Journalists’ dilemma

Being a journalist demands you to embody conflicting values and functions.

You have to be fast. The world moves fast. U need to speed up so that u can capture what goes on and catch up with crazily increasing speed of distribution channels.

You have to be slow. Slow enough to think and reflect on what goes on, so that u can spin out certain insights and narratives.

You are a news gatherer. You think like a factory worker: cost-effective, process-efficient.

You are a story teller. You think like a poet: gotta spend 10 more minutes to choose between word A and B.

You honor truth. Isn’t it objective?

You value creativity. Isn’t it subjective?

Everyone looks up to you. In a time of crisis, your timely reporting is almost heroism.

Everyone looks down on you. When you sell yourself to advertisers, you are nothing but cheap tabloids.

You are lonely. And yet popular.

You are engaged. And tired.

You are a lively walking, running paradox.

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